By doing preventative maintenance, should I expect no leaks on my building?

Debunking the Myth: Preventative Maintenance and Roof Leaks

We often hear the question, "If I perform preventative maintenance on my roof, shouldn't I expect to have no leaks?"

The answer to that is no. Preventative maintenance alone does not guarantee a leak-free roof.

Can preventative maintenance help in reducing the likelihood of leaks? Certainly, in some cases. However, the primary objective of preventative maintenance is to prevent premature failure of the roof system.

Consider your vehicle as an analogy. When you purchase a car, routine maintenance such as oil changes and tune-ups are necessary to ensure it lasts for 100,000 to 200,000 miles or more. These actions are intended to extend the vehicle's longevity and prevent premature breakdowns.

Similarly, preventative maintenance for roofs aims to proactively address issues and maintain the integrity of the roof over its lifespan. By conducting regular inspections, addressing minor repairs, and performing necessary upkeep, you enhance the roof's durability and maximize its service life.

However, just like a well-maintained vehicle may still require occasional tire changes or brake pad replacements, a roof under a preventative maintenance program may encounter issues that need attention. Despite your best efforts, external factors like severe weather or aging components can lead to leaks that require prompt repair.

Therefore, while preventative maintenance is crucial for optimizing roof performance and longevity, its primary goal is not to eliminate leaks altogether but to prevent premature roof failure. By investing in a proactive maintenance program, you ensure that your roof performs effectively and lasts as long as possible, protecting your building and its assets.

If you haven't implemented a preventative maintenance program for your roof, we highly recommend starting one today. It's an investment that pays off by safeguarding your roof and minimizing unexpected repair costs down the road.

Jeff Broderick

Helping the commercial real estate industry not waste money on their roof by providing full lifecycle management control.


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