Commercial Roofing & Paving Blog
The Hidden Dangers of Neglected Roof Repairs: Unmasking the Roof Monster
Roof integrity is crucial for building safety. While leaks are concerning, they reveal deeper issues like trapped water, causing mold, metal corrosion, wood rot, and structural damage.
Storm Damage to Commercial Roofs
Wind, Rain, and Hail, Oh My! Our recommendations on what to do. Summer brings severe weather. Wind, rain, and hail can damage your roof system.
Commercial Roof Warranties, are they important or not?
A discussion of material warranty, Contractor warranties and NDL manufacturer warranty for commercial roofs.
Severe temperatures swings can affect your flat roof
Taking care of your roof helps limit your life cycle repair costs and are ultimately going to allow your day-to-day business to not be impacted by the weather outside.
White Commercial roofs. TPO VS PVC. Are they the same?
If you're considering going with a white roof and you have a restaurant or industrial building, definitely go PVC. If you are not releasing chemicals or oils on top of the roof, TPO is absolutely the way to go.
The importance of a roof due diligence report when acquiring a property
When it comes to an acquisition of a property, getting a proper due diligence report done of the roof asset itself is super important.
Choosing the right commercial roof repairs
When your roof is deteriorating, and you are coming within a few years out on replacing that roof, be very selective in the remedial repairs you do because you might just be throwing good money after bad.
Save Money on Roof Replacement
Being open to all major manufacturers can absolutely help you to save dollars in an apples-to-apples environment.
Facility Managers Can Be Roof Management Heroes
When it comes to the roof, keeping track of historical spending and open budget items that remain are crucial for being able to show owners that you have their best interest in your hands, and you are taking the best care of it.
Button Up Your Commercial Roof
Here we are, we're going into spring season and along with that is going to be some rain. We've got a lot of rain in the forecast and this is the time of year to making sure that your roofs are buttoned up.
What is a roof management specialist?
What we do as roof management specialists is sit down with the people we. work with and understand what their challenges are when it comes to managing the roof portfolio.
Get Apples-To-Apples with Roof Replacement
Make sure that you create an apples-to-apples environment, not comparing apples and oranges and trying to make a decision, especially something that costs as much as a roof replacement. That is not something you want to be doing.
By doing preventative maintenance, should I expect no leaks on my building?
We get asked this a lot, “By doing preventative maintenance shouldn't I expect to have no leaks on my building?”
The answer to that is no. You can't just expect to have no leaks because you do preventative maintenance.
Is Your Roof System Holding Water?
Water's coming into the roof system and the building itself is holding water inside the roof system, that is very problematic and it's something that can become very expensive with a whole lot of ancillary costs that come into play when it comes time for a roof replacement project.